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hooded merganser造句

"hooded merganser"是什么意思  
  • Yet, a row of hooded merganser ducks don't seem to mind my boat banging.
  • Hooded mergansers, mallards, blue-winged teal and Canada geese are other common resident nesting waterfowl.
  • :I agree that the narrow-beaked duck is a hooded merganser, female, or perhaps juvenile.
  • Other migrating birds include Canada geese, wood ducks, mallards, blue-winged teal, and hooded mergansers.
  • Along with the smew and hooded merganser, they are therefore often known as " sawbills ".
  • The hooded merganser, often termed " Mergus cucullatus ", is not of this genus but closely related.
  • Foster, 60, likes to build houses for the wood ducks and hooded mergansers that nest on his land.
  • Now Wood Duck or Mandarin Duck or even Smew and Hooded Merganser, are all unique in thier own right.
  • Waterfowl include mallards, wood duck, American wigeon, northern shoveler, American coot, Barrow's goldeneye, common merganser, hooded mergansers, and Canadian geese.
  • Almost the opposite solution is used by the hooded merganser which can bulge part of the lens through the iris when submerged.
  • It's difficult to see hooded merganser in a sentence. 用hooded merganser造句挺难的
  • Cinnamon teal, mallards, bufflehead and hooded mergansers are just a few of the duck species that are common during the winter months.
  • Whatever the reason for this, scores of herring gulls, several kingfishers, four otters and occasional hooded mergansers dined on them for weeks.
  • Overwintering species include common loon, American coot, greater scaup, lesser scaup, northern shoveler, mallard, common goldeneye, canvasback, common merganser, hooded merganser and red-breasted merganser.
  • Common waterfowl include red-necked grebes, Pacific loons, common loons, hooded mergansers, red-breasted mergansers, lesser scaup, surf scoters, white-winged scoters, common goldeneyes, and Barrow's goldeneyes.
  • In addition to loons, other water birds on the lake include the great blue heron, the great egret, the sandhill crane, and the hooded merganser.
  • The marsh is man-made and is home to great blue herons, mallards, Canada geese, ring-necked ducks, hooded mergansers, American wigeons, violet-green swallows and red-winged blackbirds.
  • Like most waterfowl, hooded merganser hatchlings are precocial and usually leave the nest within 24 hours after they hatch; this is about long enough to accommodate synchronous hatching.
  • On opening day the only ducks visible were six hooded mergansers paddling along the shore _ or sunning themselves on a boulder _ in front of the camp.
  • Common waterfowl include western grebe, red-necked grebe, common loon, hooded merganser, common merganser, trumpeter swan, Canada goose, snow goose, black tern, American coot, and a number of duck species.
  • The basin provides nesting habitat for loons, hooded mergansers and other ducks, and among its 13 known rare species is the only viable population of spruce grouse in the entire watershed.
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